2.2.1 Single File Order on Data Boutique

Updated by Andrea Squatrito

Single File Order on Data Boutique

Each dataset listed on Data Boutique is priced for a Single File Order, allowing users to purchase a complete data collection from a specific date. This type of purchase is ideal for users needing a one-time snapshot of data rather than recurring updates.

What Does a Single File Order Include?

A Single File Order provides the full set of data from a specific website (unless otherwise specified) for one specific day, as indicated in the “Date of Collection”. This means the dataset you receive will contain all records collected on that date, capturing a complete snapshot of the site’s content as it appeared on the day of the scan.

How to Purchase a Single File Order

To purchase a Single File Order, simply click on the “Buy Now” button next to the dataset. The purchasing process differs slightly depending on whether or not you are logged in:

  • For Registered Users: If you are logged in and have successfully added a payment method to your account, the cost of the file will be added to your monthly consumption-based bill. Registered users are charged once at the end of the month for all purchases made during that period, allowing for consolidated billing and easier expense tracking.
  • For Unregistered Users: If you are not logged in, a payment link will be sent to the email address provided at checkout. This link allows you to confirm and complete your purchase. Be sure to check your spam or junk folder if you don’t see the payment email in your inbox.

Important Notes

  • Single Snapshot: Each Single File Order provides data for a single date only. If you need updated or recurring data, you will need to purchase each subsequent file separately.
  • Check Email Address: For non-logged users, please provide a valid email address to ensure you receive the payment link and can complete the purchase.

In Summary

  • One-Time Purchase: A Single File Order is a snapshot of a website’s data on a specific date.
  • Purchasing Options:
    • Logged-In Users: Cost is added to the monthly bill for consolidated end-of-month payment.
    • Non-Logged Users: A payment link is sent via email to complete the purchase.
  • Date of Collection: Each dataset specifies the exact date the data was collected, so you know exactly when the snapshot was taken.

Single File Orders make it easy to acquire specific data snapshots as needed, whether you’re testing the data or capturing a moment-in-time record of a particular website.

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