3.2.1 Data Seller Contracts on Data Boutique
Data Seller Contracts on Data Boutique
In Data Boutique, each dataset offering is identified and organized through a data seller contract. This contract serves as a unique identifier for a dataset listing, specifying the website, geographical region, and schema covered by the data. Each refresh or update of a dataset belongs to the same contract, providing consistency and clarity for both sellers and buyers.
What is a Data Seller Contract?
A data seller contract defines the parameters of a dataset offering on Data Boutique, including:
- Website: The source from which the data is collected.
- Geography: The specific geographic region covered by the data, such as a country, region, or city.
- Schema: The structure and types of data fields included, such as product details, job listings, or real estate information.
Each contract represents a specific combination of these elements, and all datasets associated with this contract—whether one-time or recurring updates—are tied to this identifier.
Contract States
Data seller contracts can exist in one of the following states:
- Selecting: When a seller initiates a contract but has yet to deliver the first files, the contract remains in a “Selecting” state. In this phase, the contract is not yet available for purchase, as the initial files are pending validation by Data Boutique.
- Active: Once a dataset file has been successfully delivered and approved, or if the offering is set to “On Demand” mode, the contract status changes to “Active.” Active contracts are available for purchase and may include options for scheduled updates or historical data.
- Closed: When a seller decides to discontinue offering a dataset, they can close the contract. Once closed, the dataset is no longer available for purchase, though previously completed transactions remain accessible to buyers who have already purchased the data.
Refresh Policy
Each contract includes a refresh policy defined by the seller, indicating how frequently a dataset will be updated in the future. The available refresh policies include:
- Static: No commitment to future updates, suitable for datasets that don’t require frequent refreshes.
- Monthly / Weekly / Daily: Sellers commit to updating the dataset at the specified frequency. Sellers who fail to deliver updates according to the stated frequency will see their refresh policy automatically downgraded to the next lower frequency. This policy also determines the eligibility for historical data—only daily, weekly, and monthly contracts can generate historical data.
- On Demand: Used mainly for large websites, the “On Demand” option allows sellers to wait for a buyer’s request before performing a data refresh. This option is ideal when scraping a full dataset would otherwise be resource-intensive without guaranteed demand.
In Summary
- Data Seller Contract: Identifies the website, geography, and schema of a dataset offering, consolidating multiple refresh dates under a single identifier.
- Contract States:
- Selecting: Contract is pending initial file delivery and validation.
- Active: Dataset is available for purchase, either as a one-time or ongoing offering.
- Closed: Dataset is no longer available for purchase, marking the end of the listing.
- Refresh Policy: Defines the frequency of updates, with options for static, scheduled (monthly/weekly/daily), or on-demand refreshes, impacting both dataset updates and historical data availability.
Data seller contracts and their associated refresh policies ensure that buyers have clear expectations regarding data availability, update frequency, and historical data coverage, making Data Boutique a reliable marketplace for both static and dynamic data needs.